Tilapiais one of the 100 known invasive species in the world, which despite its small size, due to its omnivorous nature, high reproduction, high resistance to environmental conditions, and difficult control, narrows the field to native species.
Tilapia is a hardy herbivorous fish that feeds on algae or small aquatic plant cells, and is primarily raised in freshwater systems using cages, ponds, raceways or open waters. The water conditions in the farming operations have an important impact on product quality and taste. Tilapia has been called the “aqua-chicken” because of the breeding improvements and mass production methods that evoke comparisons to the land based chicken industry in the United States. Organic production methods for tilapia have been developed and some producers are seeking official recognition for their products.
The main habitat of this fish is East Africa, especially Kenya. The Japanese brought tilapia from Malaysia as an edible fish and introduced it as a farmed species. Today, tilapia are grown in Japan, Russia, India, and parts of the United States and Europe.

1-This fish is rich in vitamins and minerals such as niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium and potassium.
2-Tilapiais rich in potassium and omega-3 acids, which not only increase brain power but also improve the function of the nervous system. potassium in the body helps increase the flow of oxygen to the brain and it is good for fluid balance in the body. potassium incorporates nutrients into the brain system and allows the brain to think more clearly and orderly.
3-If you are worried about the signs of aging, you should consumetilapia. this fish has antioxidants and vitamins C and E, which are good for the skin. These vitamins improve skin tone and make your skin look more radiant and beautiful. In addition, tilapia contains selenium, which beautifies your appearance and stops free radical damage.
4-The last benefit of tilapia is that it strengthens the immune system. This fish improves the activity of white blood cells and protects the body against harmful substances and foreign enemies.

Nutritional value of 100 grams oftilapia:
Energy: 125 kcal
Protein: 26 grams
Fat: 3 grams