Since the grilledchicken neckis one of the most popular parts of chicken among Iranians, but it should be noted that it is not recommended because it is the passage of nerve tissue and many lymph nodes and on the other hand it is impossible to wash its internal duct.

People should be careful about eatingchicken wingsandnecksbecause many of the chemicals and toxins that are found in the extraterrestrial world accumulate in chickenwingsandnecks, and by eating this delicious part of the chicken, you will suffer a lot. You get sick.

People should also keep in mind that because chemicals and toxins are usually dissolved in fat, and in principle, diseases that are currently very widespread in our country, cardiovascular diseases due to hyperlipidemia or hyperlipidemia due to They are transmitted through animal fats.

Women reach a growth spurt when they reach puberty, and one of the changes in them, in addition to increasing their height, is a change in their body composition. As they reach puberty and experience the first period of menstruation, the amount of fat accumulated in their body increases by up to 30%, making women more at risk for weight gain and fat accumulation than men, who should eat more fat. Be careful of other people.